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Change your keyboard to an Ergonomic One. Discover the Benefits.

What are the benefits of an ergonomic keyboard? While there are many benefits to an ergonomic keyboard, the most important benefit is that an ergonomic keyboard helps in keeping your hands in a neutral position while you type. This will help to prevent wrist pain and injuries, especially if you type constantly.

We are sure you’ve heard of ergonomic keyboards before. However, most people still know very little about them, even though they were invented way back in the 1990s. Some don’t even know what an ergonomic keyboard is, to begin with!

You might be thinking to yourself that using regular keyboards would be the same. After all, keyboards were created to serve the same function of helping you type. Because of that, it’s time for us to discuss the advantages of using an ergonomic keyboard.

You might consider buying one once you know all the amazing benefits of an ergonomic keyboard.

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What is an Ergonomic Keyboard?

Because most office equipment is built traditionally to cause stiffness, poor posture, and little movement, it’s important to take proper care of your body and well-being through ergonomics. The word ergonomics, at its core, is about designing for humans or people use. 

With that in mind, an ergonomic keyboard is designed to increase productivity, maximize efficiency, and reduce discomfort while you work. The differences between these keyboards and conventional keyboards lie in their shape and design.

An ergonomic design will help to provide you with proper hand positioning while typing, avoiding wrist strains. Based on their designs, there are three types of ergonomic keyboards:

  1. Contoured Keyboard: Keyboards that are shaped like waves or domes, helping you to position your arms naturally when typing.
  2. Split Keyboard: Keyboards that come in segments where the keyboard is split in the middle. Sometimes the number pad is also placed separately from the main keyboard. This helps with comfort, easy flow in typing and proper hand spacing when typing.
  3. Angled Keyboard: As the name suggests, these keyboards are slightly inclined to promote proper wrist and hand placement when typing.
a split keyboard is a type of ergonomic keyboard

Example of a Split Ergonomic Keyboard by Kinesis

Benefits of an Ergonomic Keyboard

1. Wrist Support and Comfort

Having more space for your wrists and forearms to operate while typing is important to stay comfortable. Ergonomic keyboards are designed to provide you with more space to work with. This, in turn, will alleviate the unnecessary strain while adding support.

On top of that, ergonomic keyboards can help you produce less effort while typing because your fingers are positioned closer to the keys. This will help you become more productive because the less your hand moves, the more comfortable you will be.

2. Reduces the Risks of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome happens because of the pinching of a nerve in your wrist. This condition can be extremely uncomfortable and can cause numbness in your fingers, sometimes your entire hand. 

To help mitigate this risk, an ergonomic keyboard can help to position your wrists and forearms naturally, reducing the strain put on your hands while typing. This is crucial, especially if you are someone who spends a lot of time in front of a computer screen.

a curved keyboard is a type of ergonomic keyboard
Example of a curved keyboard

3. Easy to Use

What good is a well-designed keyboard if you are going to have a hard time using it? Most of the ergonomic keyboards in the market today arevery simple to install and use. All you need to do is to connect and install the drives, and voila! Type away.

Another aspect often overlooked is that most ergonomic keyboards are very sleek and modern in their designs. This can help whenever you feel like remodeling your office, taking your office aesthetics up a notch!

4. Promotes Proper Posture

Why do you want to achieve a good sitting posture when using an ergonomic office chair? Obviously, it’s for the same reason you take the time to get the right office desk; to maintain a healthy sitting posture! It is all the same for an ergonomic keyboard.

Ergonomic keyboards are designed for people who might be susceptible to wrist and forearm pain after prolonged typing. The contours of the computer console will provide comfort and ample time as you interact with the console.

By properly placing your wrists on the keyboard, you encourage proper shoulder alignment, which trickles down to the proper positioning of your whole body. It’s not enough to focus on your sitting posture if you ignore your hand placement.

Go all the way! Your healthy body will thank you. 🙂

5. Highly Responsive

It’s no secret that some conventional keyboards can be very noisy. Not to mention, you need to put in extra effort for them to respond. What we like about ergonomic keyboards is that they require little force or, rather, a light touch to respond.

Because they are designed to respond quickly to touch, ergonomic keyboards will help you keep yourself at ease while you type. On top of that, you can save a lot of time which brings us to…

6. Increases Typing Speed

Because you are typing in a natural and relaxed way, ergonomic keyboards will help you to improve your typing speed. Please note that while you might need to get used to your new keyboard, you will type with ease once you get into the swing of things.

Heck, you might not need to look at your keyboard anymore!

Think about it — with more comfort, relaxation, and better finger positioning, you will be able to accomplish more tasks in less time, which will result in more productivity at work. You can even work for longer hours if you wish to do so. 

7. Saves Money and Energy

Most, if not all, ergonomic keyboards are made using durable and high-quality materials. Because of this, they are less prone to sticking and button malfunction. They are built to last. This will benefit you financially by eliminating the need to constantly replace or repair your keyboard.

Moreover, poor typing positions may increase your fatigue, which in turn reduces the hours you can stay working. Therefore, ergonomic keyboards will help you save energy as you can work for extended periods without getting tired.

To help you choose the best option, you can see our detailed list of the best ergonomic keyboard. Most ergonomic keyboards are compact by design and, therefore, portable and convenient.

an angled keyboard is a type of ergonomic keyboard
Example of an angled keyboard.

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Final Takeaways

Ergonomic keyboard benefits have been well-documented over the course of this decade. It has been designed specifically to help anyone using it to maximize their output and increase their productivity, all the while alleviating any pain and discomfort.

Whether you are working in a corporate office or you are an entrepreneur working at home, nothing can be as important as your long-term health. Investing in an ergonomic keyboard can help you to maintain proper body alignment, which will prolong your health in the long run. 

At the end of the day, health is wealth. 🙂

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