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Service My Paper Shredder? Really?


Honestly, I have never serviced my paper shredder!

I’m thinking, do I really need to service my paper shredder? To see if it makes a difference, let’s run an experiment. The plan is to record the paper shredder before and after service. We should see and hear a difference if we run the same jobs through the shredder before and after the service. Right?

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Before Service 

We have two paper shredders in our small office. One is coming up to twenty years old and has been emptied when full and is dusted off every now and then. But no service has ever been performed.

The second paper shredder is younger, maybe six years old, with no service beyond emptying and light dusting.

how much paper can my paper shredder shred?

Test Plan for the Paper shredders

So a test plan is to shred the max for each shredder. Eight pages max, and six pages max, then run the cutting sheet through each shredder and run max paper again.

Filming the test will ensure we can time and listen to the shred event. We hope to set the base level for the two shredders by timing and listening. 

After the same service is performed on each shredder, we will run the same test. By videoing before and after, we should see and hear a difference.

How to service my paper shredder

The simplest way to service a paper shredder is to unplug it to empty the receptacle. Wipe down and clean it off. Then, if you have compressed air, you can blow out the blade area. 

Next, run thru a paper shredder cleaning, sharpening, and lube pad. 

It is that simple. 

After Service

As you can clearly see in the video, the shredder sheet did make a difference to the paper shredders. One thing I will note, I ran the sheet through in the wrong direction! It was supposed to be put in on the wide side! The way I did it, the ends of the blade area were not coated or sharpened. But not to worry, I bought a 12-pack and will use another sheet after a good half-hour of shredding.

Remember to empty the shredder pad from the receptacle. The pad has oils in it, which would make it hard to reuse your paper shredding. We have some great ideas on how to use your paper shreddings.

I would service my paper shredder again after 30 mins continuous shredding, or at least every 3 months. Overall I was very happy with the results!

It was so easy to service my paper shredder, anyone can do it!

De-Clutter for Inner Peace

Shredding can be fun! Getting rid of old paperwork makes for a de-cluttered workspace.

You can work on inner peace by de-cluttering, decorating, or adding plants. All of these little things can add up to a better, more productive workspace.

To help, you might like to read:

“Office plants for offices without windows”

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